Anya Achtenberg is author of the novel Blue Earth and novella The Stories of Devil-Girl (both, Modern History Press); and poetry books, The Stone of Language (West End Press); and I Know What the Small Girl Knew (Holy Cow! Press). Her poetry awards include first prizes from Southern Poetry Review and Another Chicago Magazine; her fiction has received awards from Coppola’s Zoetrope: All-Story, New Letters, the Raymond Carver Story Contest, and others. Anya is working to complete History Artist, a novel centering in a Cambodian woman born at the moment the U.S. bombing began. She teaches creative writing workshops around the U.S. and online, and is a manuscript consultant. Other current projects: a poetry chapbook; a book on her multi-genre Writing for Social Change workshops; essays on the relationship between placelessness and trauma, and narration and story structure. Anya organizes arts-focused and multicultural journeys to Cuba.