, just there where we let loose
a mother’s ashes
party of gulls float, scattered and
the particle wave ~ ( nature repeats
herself ) up close
birds are folded paper ^ ^ fingers
bend and seal curves
form a wafer
in a pocket
from this distance
bits of bone , . . , , , .. . , .. . body boats
or if there were fire or pipe from which
cinder might
but the sky is empty sea ,, unmarked
a wake
in the cross
of motorboats sailboats an under-the-glass life
~ ~ ~
after her mother
enters the envelope,, the daughter says :
death is a magic
+ + + I don’t want
to disturb
her slender sea-kelp palms rise
(w/ kin-dread-ness inside )
~ ~ ~
treading water she says , . . , , this is where mommy is
~ ~ ~
O h O h ! we cry ,, gulls yulp and caw
wrinkled cliff-faces shift \ | tilt
& sea moveS bigger than our bobbing heads, , our balletic
Shiva bodies § octopus limbs
ariel scarves & certain stars.
Her spaciousness rises ^ ^ ^ “ ` passes through
veils + pirouettes in multiple
erasions .
One of the gulls shits
on your niece , , her knee & every one shouts
Good luck ! It means good luck !
~ ~ ~
motor boat floats into the floatilla how is it
bone birds ignore it ?
how is it only a few fly ~ ?
one gull skims . .., . close to the face of glass, eyes urchins , sea
trout , , , miniature trees , , weeds of underwater rock, their fossilized faces
encrusted fans and palms , her mother’s trace
~ ~ ~
pink oleander corsages