Issue #
November 1, 2024

Karen Kevorkian

Curly volutes of white-iced columns called the house Victorian

a hooded ell-shaped porch, screened sleeping space

on the suffocating nights kids on cots in the longyard, eyes closed to stars

without fear

jam from waspy figs, lemon rind’s musky syrup, sweetbitter kitchen pleasure, bristly orbed

amaranth to edify a hand


December clouds flatbottomed in hard blue

silverberried deerlease cedar brought into the house,fanned fronds pinched for the styptic thrill


her angry arrows, his easy drawl, the two of them not even 30 yet


how big were those rooms, the three of us, fingers’ sensuous ballasts of smoke


parking the rental at 308, the numbers checked to find the right house


bright paint of the trim quaint now


dark green walls papered with whitefleshed magnolias, her on the floor


the man’s starched white collar, that look she gave, why don’t you


oh love from the radio oh cardboard thing


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