From Desert to Desert

Issue #
November 1, 2024

Charlie Kalogeris-Chattan

considerthe abundant sagebrush:

yesterday’srefugees        deep

rootsnow in disturbed grassland



          what comes in

when spaceis made?


west ofArizona’s Snowflake

andSunflower    all the way down

to theborder    transmission towers

    sentries for the wired world

hide infolds of pine-studded hills

peer outfrom fog that rises [steam

fromthe kettle of the canyon]

burnt-outechoes of saguaro march

            brandish charred spines


acrossthe cracked flat to the east

windturbines: asylum seekers

in thisnew age we are creating

theyrise above a non-responsive canvas

revolvetheir paddles in greeting




and weare among wayside shrines and pilgrims: date palms [migrated to this new/oldworld by Jesuit burros’ scatological offerings]       swayin breezes along the waterways


           and in this warm land from thedesert across the road el ocotillo waves slender arms

to returnthe palms’ salutation      los ciriosdither and stretch       los cardónes   [each one crowned

with avulture]      stand their ground        








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