migrations(s) / multo

Issue #
November 1, 2024

Lawdenmarc De Camora

migration(s) │ multo


some fridays can’t decide if they’re hot or cold, solid or gas, widowedor windowless.

some days like fridays i feel like saying i’m sorry. there are fridaysthat try to shut

the aortic valve but the aortic valve won’t shut. if i’m in another world,i don’t fuck up

because blind swirling herons stay swirlingly blind. this was beforefriday sang the blues,

before the last magnetism that came before happiness.


beloved departures, forgive my fridays if they are, like a multo[1],capable of flight.


colored sky                    wild-haired                  

silhouette of beaks                        a  binary

of titted space                postcolonialism

eyes of thought                      susurrations


>>insert                D  I   A               &             S  P   O   R  E   S    


blood kilometer                          feathered time          

horizon shared                 my*grace*shuns

wings in delirium                           extra sago

still we free                           multo i


there is no poetry tonight. my evening headache is putting up the wallswhere alphabets

and tiny helicopters skip their shiny aerial extravaganza. my penwrites: ICU.


in critical condition are the words. in need of daemon boosters.i’ll be brief.

he wants you to read this note,

                                                  i still remember the way home.


[1] It is aFilipino folkloric term for a ghost.

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