Bathed in Moonlight

Issue #
November 1, 2023

Vassiliki Rapti

Ever since an insomniac, lovelorn Sappho looked up at the moon, Greek lyric poetry has echoed her register of glukopikron: the sweet-bitterness of longing. We open our mouths because we desire. Open Bathed in Moonlight to any page and you’ll find the language of desire suffused by the tender, intensely focused erotic glow of Vassiliki Rapti’s rapturous gift. Yet the moon, and Sappho, are not the only presiding spirits of illumination in this magical collection. Rapti has struck the Sapphic note in a new key by fusing it with the voices of some of the great surrealist Greek poets of the twentieth century. The result is a felicitous mix of mournful eloquence and expressionist imagination, delicate inwardness and evocative power-a testament to the “Perpetual Perseverance” of a disciplined and formidable imagination:

    you were cast among myriad

    multicolored peacocks

    so that you might learn the skill

    of perseverance

    dragged out, freed after aeons

    flung, whirling, whirling

    into the embrace of the moon.

In the pitch-perfect registers of Peter Bottéas’s beautiful translation, Bathed in Moonlight is pristine.

– George Kalogeris, author of Winthropos, Associate Professor of English Literature and Classics at Suffolk University, Boston

As it moves back and forth over time, Bathed in Moonlight explores the ambiguity of what is lost and what is gained in poetry. While Vassiliki Rapti’s poems certainly engage with the voices of her native Greek tradition they would also seem to be in dialogue with poetries beyond the borders of the Western world. She tends to locate individual experience in the collective. And so, with intense lyricism and transformative, vivid expression, each poem creates its own separate world of emotional strength. These poems are fluent, vibrant, reflective, sensitive, open and brilliantly sensory. They reflect Rapti’s wonder at the world, the cyclic nature of life and language. Her voice spins, floats, and whirls from spiral shells, floating lakes, the ever vigilant moon and calls through fragments of memory, the depths of the underground and the unspoken that hides between each line.

– Gonca Özmen

Vassiliki Rapti’s luminous, capacious poems are journeys arising from hope and fears; aching and searching, they seek kinship and reconciliation with nature which is the true home for the restless, solitary self. Sensuous yet balanced, sparse yet containing multitudes, Bathed in Moonlight illuminates the life of the mind where remembrance and unbridled thoughts run together, where human yearnings are an enduring life force, where words, written from the innermost place resonate and affirm the power of poetry. This marvelous collection of poems is a balm in our fractured and chaotic time.

– Pui Ying Wong, author of The Feast

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