War Zone

Issue #
November 1, 2024

Anastasia Vassos


The Cooper’s hawk twitches a carcass

at the oak tree’s roots, a block from the hospitals.


Such cruelty & cars reckless

blast past me on Boston’s Riverway.


I watch a driver in a white SUV

windows tinted


fly by at 60 in a 30-mph zone

& slam a crow as it lifts above asphalt


broken wings thrushed to panic

in the heart of matter.


Somewhere, a child

is calling a small dog’s name.


Somewhere, a barred owl

hears the heartbeat of its prey.


Just this morning, on the lamp’s base

I stubbed my toe, it throbbed & throbbed.


Collisions that yoke a power

we are powerless to.


Even god-like Achilles, warrior

most fierce, most beautiful


could not escape the vault

of death coveting Troy.


He paced the beach, pulled back by his hair,

heels sinking in the sand.

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